As never-ending and complicated as everything presents, it's simultaneously simple. And for the exact same reasons, posed in slightly different perspectives. See? Truth really is a paradox. Every time. Think about it.... And that's why our decisions become tricky.
The improv: I don't even know what to say. Today was quite obscured. And in listening back, not so very terrible... hmmm.... The listenings; so haphazard. They have become specimens... not good or bad, but weird and interesting in their meanderings. So I'm picking the weirdest one of all. Who cares.
Here we go, Day 226:
The improv: I don't even know what to say. Today was quite obscured. And in listening back, not so very terrible... hmmm.... The listenings; so haphazard. They have become specimens... not good or bad, but weird and interesting in their meanderings. So I'm picking the weirdest one of all. Who cares.
Here we go, Day 226: