Do you remember when you were young, and sunny days prevailed as the end of school drew near? There was always a restlessness to jump out of one's skin, and run into grassy fields, finally released from the shackles of homework and tests. Visions of catching pet toads, and bike rides; sidewalk chalk, and picnics. Those were all daydreams soon to be realized.
And now, I find myself on the other end of that time capsule. It's nearly impossible to beg focus from a kid this time of year. Can't say I blame 'em... I've got that restlessness, too.
After a moment or two of "where am I?" the improv turned into a study of seconds.
Here we go, Day 299:
And now, I find myself on the other end of that time capsule. It's nearly impossible to beg focus from a kid this time of year. Can't say I blame 'em... I've got that restlessness, too.
After a moment or two of "where am I?" the improv turned into a study of seconds.
Here we go, Day 299: