You didn't all think I was going to be able to stay away for THAT long, did you? Ha. Well, there's no intention left for this little thing, but I did want to pop back and jot down a thought I had today. I hadn't played at all the past couple of days, because my best friend from kindergarten came to visit over the weekend. But she left this morning, and it gave me a moment to sit at the piano. I didn't feel like anything written... so I slapped together a few notes for an improvisation. It was perhaps the fourth or fifth improv I've ever done without recording. And it's really crazy how different it is when the recorder is on or off. I literally held back NOTHING, and the music came out so naturally and personally. After a year of getting comfortable putting myself on the spot, I guess it STILL was not as comfortable as when I am in solitude. There were no feelings of, "uhhh, what next?" or, "just make some noise! Fill that void!! FILL IT!" And if I can say so myself, it was actually really good.
Still learning....
Still learning....